Six States Put Abortion On The Ballot

( – Across the United States, six states have put different initiatives regarding abortion access on the ballot for a referendum on November 5. There are more referendums in the works in five more states with the intent to have them approved for the public to vote on by the general election.

Pro-abortion organizations have been outpacing anti-abortion organizations when it comes to fundraising as there are far more people donating to pro-abortion causes. In New York state, proponents of the Equal Rights Amendment want to see a ban on any discrimination based on “pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes” added to the state constitution. The only limit on abortion in New York is currently after the point of fetal viability.

In Colorado, there is no limit on how late one can terminate the unborn. A ballot referendum will ask the public if they want to add abortion coverage to state sponsored health insurance programs as well as allow the use of state tax dollars to fund them.

Abortion access in Maryland is being considered for inclusion in the state constitution, though the state currently has very liberal laws and typically few limits on abortions.

In Nevada, abortionists have put the Nevada Right to Abortion Initiative on the ballot which would extend constitutional protections to the current state laws on abortion. They currently allow the termination of pregnancies up through 24 weeks. There is some opposition within the state from conservative leaning groups.

In Florida, abortionists are challenging Florida law that currently bans abortions after six weeks. Polling in April suggested there was considerable support for passing the initiative which would expand abortion access up through fetal viability. Another indicator is dollars spent: pro-abortion Floridians Protecting Freedom generated $32.3 million in donations while the conservative Florida Voters Against Extremism only raised $270,000 in the same period.

Abortionists in South Dakota are hoping to pass Constitutional Amendment G, which would remove the state’s current total ban on abortion with the framework provided for in Roe v. Wade. Polling from 2023 suggested that voters were split on the issue.

Abortion is a controversial and popular political topic and the outcomes of these referendums will indicate where the culture sits with how comfortable Americans are currently with medical processes that terminate unborn babies.

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