Propel Your Career with Job Corps Training

Propel Your Career with Job Corps Training

( – Know an individual between the ages of 16 and 24 wishing to improve their job skills or find a career? They may want to consider the Job Corps program through the US Department of Labor (DoL). The organization, which has 120 locations across the country, offers applicants free job training and free lodging for up to 3 years.

Job Corps programs aren’t available to the general public, but those living in low-income households, foster children, and homeless juveniles may be eligible to apply. People benefiting from government programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF), and free or reduced school lunch programs may also find the Job Corps program helpful.

The DoL designed the Jobs Corps to help ensure young adults graduate high school with the opportunity to learn quality skills to gain employment or start a career. Those who complete the course go on to find occupations, join apprenticeships, enlist in the military, or seek higher education. The program doesn’t just train and educate, it also provides individuals who find employment with assistance in finding housing, transportation, and childcare.

Applicants must be legal US citizens or residents, refugees, asylees, or immigrants who are permitted to work in America in order to qualify. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for the Job Corps, visit or call 1-800-733-5627.

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