(ConservativeJournal.org) – Rep. Anna Paulina (R-FL) is introducing new legislation to help combat child trafficking stemming from the southern border crisis.
The Family Reunification Act would require rapid genetic testing of any “families” coming across the border to objectively discover if children in possession of some adults are actually related to the child. The Illegal Labor Accountability Act would see civil penalties for employing illegals tripled in an effort to encourage employers to avoid hiring illegal laborers.
Luna highlighted whistleblower testimony as well as government data revealing that the Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) lost track of 85,000 children who came over the southern border and were hand-delivered to sponsors already in the country. She said that nearly 2.5 million people who crossed the southern border claimed to be a family. Without rapid genetic testing, there’s no way to know who’s legitimately a family and who’s exploiting children they’re traveling with.
Luna additionally slammed “greedy companies” for using illegal immigrant labor instead of American workers. She hoped that the Illegal Labor Accountability Act would successfully stiffen the civil penalties making hiring illegals far more punishing when discovered.
Luna focused on testimony by HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas. Rodas explained to Congress that the U.S. government was acting as a facilitator for human trafficking by delivering children dropped off at the southern border without any adults to “sponsors” in the U.S. who are not scrutinized even when they “sponsor” dozens of kids.
The Federal Human Trafficking Report revealed data that indicated over 50% of human trafficking investigations from 2018 involved the sexual exploitation of children. Luna additionally cited government data revealing 340 children dropped off at the southern border were sent to live with people who weren’t their relatives in June 2023.
Rapid genetic testing was a regular feature of family units crossing the border when Trump was president. Removing the requirement was one of the first moves made by the Biden administration.
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