Study Finds Immigration To The American South Is Far Outpacing Other US Regions

( – A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is highlighting the dramatic increase in both legal and illegal immigration leading to demographic shifts in the American South. The study showed that the rate of immigration to southern states is far outpacing other regions of the country with the number of foreign-born people living in the southern states totaling nearly 20 million. That number was roughly equivalent to the total number of foreign-born people living in the U.S. in the entire country in 1990.

Director of Research Steven Camarota with CIS tapped established data from the 2000 and 1990 censuses, as well as research done in 2010, 2022, and 2024 from the Current Population Survey (CPS) and American Community Survey (ACS). The combination allowed researchers to combine the most recent information as well as broadest sample size.

Camarota claimed that the results indicated that foreign-born people living in the American South totalled 19 million as of 2024. The rate of growth compared to 1990 shows an increase of 317% which is outpacing the Midwest (172%), the West (104%), and the Northeast (97%).

When they zoom into particular states, the shift is remarkable: Georgia and North Carolina had the largest shifts at 966% and 754% increase in foreigners respectively, followed by 329% in Virginia, 317% in Texas, 262% in Maryland, and 211% in Florida. Foreigners living in the American South accounted for 37.3% of the total living in the U.S. Camarota said that the number was up from 23.2% in 1990 and 31.9% as of 2010, suggesting more foreigners (both legal and illegal) are picking southern states as their final destination.

The researchers also highlighted that in 1990 only Florida and Texas had foreign-born populations over 500,000. Today six states, including Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Texas currently are home to over 1 million foreigners.

Camarota cited the Biden administration’s extremely liberal immigration policies as primarily responsible for the shift, stating that the administration allows over a million legal immigrants to come into the country each year and get green cards through sponsorship by other foreigners who already got their green cards.

Critics have claimed that the ultimate goal is to import new voters as the Democrats are incredibly unpopular with the American natural-born public.

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