Woman Arrested For Trying To Burn Down MLK’s Birth Home

(ConservativeJournal.org) – A 26-year-old woman, Laneisha Shantrice Henderson, was apprehended in Atlanta for attempting to set fire to Martin Luther King Jr’s birth home, according to Atlanta police. The incident unfolded when two tourists from Utah intervened after witnessing Henderson pouring gasoline on the property.

Charged with interference with government property and attempted arson, Henderson was detained and later transported to Grady Detention for a psychological assessment. Once discharged, she will be moved to Fulton County Jail.

The tourists, on a work trip, wanted to visit the historical landmark which is currently closed to the public. Initially, they observed Henderson seemingly tending to plants, unaware of her actions. However, after noticing she had a container of gasoline, they approached her and asked what she was doing. Henderson remained unresponsive and continued pouring gasoline around the historical house.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the tourists pleaded with Henderson to stop, but she ignored them and kept pouring the gas. Witnesses at the scene, including one who blocked her path for a minute, played a crucial role in detaining her until law enforcement arrived. During the detention, Henderson allegedly attempted to ignite a lighter.

According to Police Chief Darin Schierbaum, the swift intervention of the tourists and other bystanders “saved the jewel of our city.” The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center expressed gratitude to those who prevented the arson attempt, acknowledging their bravery and the prompt response of law enforcement.

The FBI is aware of the incident but refrained from providing further details. The MLK Jr. birth home, under the ownership of the National Park Service since 2018, is currently closed for extensive renovations, with plans to reopen in November 2025. The attempted arson raises concerns about safeguarding historical landmarks and underscores the importance of public vigilance in preserving cultural heritage, especially in 2023, where tensions of all kinds, especially racial, seem to be the highest they’ve been in years.

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