White House ‘Extremely Upset’ With Coverage Of Biden

(ConservativeJournal.org) – A recent interview with a New York Times publisher, AG Sulzberger, shed light on the White House’s dissatisfaction with the newspaper’s coverage of President Joe Biden. They mainly object to the ongoing media discourse surrounding Biden’s age. Sulzberger highlighted their commitment to objectively cover and report on both Biden and former President Trump, emphasizing that the NYT is not on the side of Democrats or Republicans.

President Biden has recently faced a lot of controversy regarding his memory and mental abilities. The special counsel report, which was revealed early this month, proved his struggles to recall being vice President and other important events.

The White House reportedly expressed concerns about the coverage to the White House Correspondents Association, claiming that the reports about Biden’s memories are either inaccurate or straight-up false. White House spokesperson Ian Sams stated that various outlets misrepresented the report’s conclusion, and that the reporters posed questions based on false premises. The report has sparked discussions among pundits, including those at The New York Times, suggesting that Biden should reconsider running for re-election.

In a response to defenders of President Biden who compare the controversies around him to those of former President Trump, Sulzberger clarified that the NYT always tries to be objective. He also underlined the general importance of avoiding bias in reporting. Salzberger stated that in the long run, only hyping up one side or downplaying the other will make readers lose trust in the media.

Americans trust in mainstream media has never been lower.

Despite the concerns raised, Biden has maintained that his memory is “fine” and during a recent press conference he asserted that he remains the best candidate to face Trump in the upcoming election. The dynamics surrounding the coverage and the White House’s response underscore the ongoing challenges in maintaining journalistic integrity and accuracy in reporting on political figures as elections approach.

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