Trump To Skip Second Debate, Meet With Auto Strikers Instead

( – Former President Donald Trump will be skipping the September 27th debate in California. Instead, he plans to visit Detroit to stand in solidarity with striking union auto workers, who are advocating for improved contract conditions from automakers.

Trump’s decision to skip the debate is consistent with how he has been handling his 2024 campaign so far. His first debate was supposed to be in Milwaukee, WI, but instead he did an interview with Tucker Carlson on Twitter. Trump has said that since he is the main frontrunner in the Republican primary, he does not have to debate other candidates. Before the first debate, he indicated he did not even want to give other candidates attention.

This upcoming trip to Detroit serves as another facet of Trump’s attempts to position himself as an appealing alternative to Biden, especially to unions and their leaders. Trump’s visit creates a unique political dynamic involving the union, which Biden supports as well.

Recently, President Biden expressed his support for the UAW’s strike, asserting that automakers have not equitably shared their record profits, which they’ve amassed in recent years, with UAW members and must make more significant concessions.

Biden further stated that car companies are seeing record profits mostly because of the high skill of the workers in the union. He therefore believes those profits should be shared with the workers.

Even though the UAW wants Biden to do more regarding their strike, they probably will not endorse Trump. The new president of the UAW, Shawn Fain, even went so far as to say in public that a new Trump presidency would be a complete “disaster”.

Nonetheless, despite the absence of an official endorsement from the union’s leadership, many union auto workers are voters. In crucial swing states like Michigan, Trump’s presence for photo opportunities and handshakes could be sufficiently appealing to some members of the beleaguered workforce.

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