Trump Is Winning Back Anti-Trump Republican Donors

( – A major Republican donor who previously funded Donald Trump’s primary competitors Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) is switching his support to Trump as the election approaches.

Eric Levine, head of bankruptcy for the law firm Eiseman Levine Lehrhaupt & Kakoyiannis, posted a memo wherein he suggested “never say never” is a wise adage. Levine had previously said he would never vote for Trump in the aftermath of the January 6 riot in 2021. The announcement is a boon to Trump, who has been lagging behind the Democrat party’s fundraising machine.

Levine told Newsweek that he was “reluctantly” voting for Trump, “with reservations.” He suggested Trump has a problem speaking the truth. Levine believes that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly and said that suggestions otherwise make him “cringe.”

Despite his reservations, Levine suggested the November contest will be a binary choice between Biden and Trump, and that Trump is clearly the better option for long-term American growth. He highlighted the war in Gaza and Biden’s pursuit of a “social justice agenda” as major problems.

Levine also suggested that the “explosion of antisemitism” is occurring in liberal strongholds like cities and universities. He called them “Biden voters,” and highlighted that it is not the work of right wing organizations.

He added that the radicals who suggest Israeli’s “got what they deserved” on October 7 are Biden voters, adding that the campaign will likely have to court them in order to win in November. He highlighted that Trump firmly supports Israel and American Jews.

Levine suggested he really has no choice. He said a “red line” for him would be if Trump threatened to pull America out of NATO.

Another major conservative group, Club For Growth, is also switching to support Trump after previously spurning his reelection campaign.

About a month ago on March 1, Trump spoke about how the club president, David McIntosh, were “back in love” during a speech at Mar-A-Lago, according to Politico.

Trump had previously suggested that anyone who gave money to NIkki Haley wouldn’t be welcome under the MAGA umbrella.

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