Ted Cruz’s Defense of Donald Trump Sparks Online Backlash

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Texas Senator Ted Cruz attempted to defend Donald Trump after salacious testimony from former adult content creator Stormy Daniels spun a narrative on the stand which painted Trump as a lustful narcissist. Cruz argued that no one believes Trump was “celibate all his life,” which critics highlighted as a false dichotomy due to the specific circumstances in the case.

Trump is on trial in New York over allegations he attempted to illegally conceal 34 payments to Stormy Daniels in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement. The allegations are hotly contested by legal professor Jonathan Turley who outlined how the crime alleged is actually a misdemeanor but New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg had to engage in legal wizardry to stretch them into felonies by calling it a campaign finance violation to circumvent the statute of limitations. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has jurisdiction and declined to pursue charges.

Daniels had also previously issued a written statement denying the affair, but she changed her tune on the stand. Her testimony was so salacious that Trump’s team issued a call for a mistrial which Judge Juan Merchan denied. Merchan has been slapped with allegations of being a partisan political actor after it was revealed he made donations to the Democrats and his daughter’s firm did tens of millions in fundraising for Joe Biden’s campaign. A New York ethics committee decided there wasn’t a conflict of interest. Both judges on the committee are registered Democrats.

Cruz argued that the point of putting Daniels on the stand was to slander Trump and harm his chances at winning the 2020 election. Cruz suggested the purpose of the trial is to drag Trump “through the gutter” calling the entire ordeal “a political smear job.” Cruz added that Democrat claims about respecting the law are poppycock and compared their behavior to that of tyrants in a banana republic.

Left-leaning writer Janice Hough responded to Cruz’s comments by reminding him that the trial was over his alleged purchase of a NDA which she qualified as election interference. Hough seemed blithely unaware of the irony of the accusation; Merchan is requiring Trump to be in court four days a week and that the “crimes” were stretched and twisted until an indictment was possible.

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