Synagogue Leader Found Stabbed, Dead

( – Detroit police have said they have found no evidence that the killing of a local Jewish leader was motivated by anti-Semitic hate. According to authorities, Samantha Woll, 40, returned home in the wee hours of October 21 after attending a wedding and appeared to have been initially stabbed inside her residence, though her body was reportedly found outside her house later that morning.

Woll was her synagogue’s congregation president and many suspected that her death was somehow tied to a noticeable rise in anti-Jewish sentiment across the nation. In the wake of Israel’s siege of Gaza, anti-Israel protests have been filling the streets of both mid-sized and major cities, including those of Woll’s home city of Detroit.

In addition to holding a lengthy October 23 press conference and explaining to reporters they had no evidence to suggest Woll’s murder was tied to her ancestry, Detroit’s Police Department posted the same assertion to their Twitter account. The post was lambasted by users across the board who uniformly appeared to accuse the department of a coverup.

One user responded, “Sure, and Iran is not behind terrorist attacks.” Another commented, “Detroit can make cars, but not connect the dots in crime.” Yet another said they had “been around long enough” to know they should not “believe in coincidences.” Most of the other users pointed out that a lack of hate crime evidence does not rule out a hate crime.

For those unaware of the Motor City’s demographics, it is the largest single concentration of Muslims and Arabs in the United States, with over 400,000 calling the area home. Nearby Dearborn is synonymous with Palestinian-Americans and those from other countries in the Middle East.

During his press conference, Police Chief James White told reporters that his department was obligated “to be” extremely “cautious” with “what information” they choose to “share.” White said his detectives were looking at a number of persons of interest.

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