Sweden Set to Officially Join NATO

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Sweden has now all but officially entered NATO. The final vote was made by Hungary on Monday, February 26. Out of 194 members of parliament who voted, only six rejected Sweden’s accession.

The Hungarian parliament’s approval was the final step for Sweden to join NATO after almost two years of intense negotiations. The Nordic nation’s Prime Minister, Ulf Kristersson, visited Budapest for conversations regarding defense and security issues with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Prime Minister Kristersson expressed the historic significance of the day, emphasizing Sweden’s commitment to security. He stated that Russia’s attempts to limit NATO expansion had backfired, as Sweden and Finland, with their accession, have finally joined the alliance. Kristersson highlighted the cooperation for peace and freedom within the alliance and noted that becoming a NATO member was naturally the next step for Sweden.

The accession of Sweden to NATO follows Finland’s entry last year as the 31st member, which was a response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. From the end of World War 2 up until then, Finland, much like Sweden, was strictly neutral.

After Sweden submits its instrument of admission to the US government, the North Atlantic Treaty repository, it will formally become a member of NATO. Secretary-General of the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, affirmed that Sweden’s membership would strengthen and enhance the safety of all alliance members.

Although most NATO members promptly approved Finland and Sweden’s applications, Hungary and Turkey initially withheld their approval. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the Nordic countries of leniency towards anti-Turkish terror group. Orban claimed that Sweden lied about Hungary’s adherence to EU standards, even calling Hungary pro-Russian. Eventually, after discussions and promises for cooperation on security issues, both countries approved Sweden’s entry.

There are now 32 countries in the alliance. Its open-door policy allows any interested and qualified country to join. Any country who joins automatically falls under NATO’s Article 5, a protection policy that treats an attack on one member as an attack on all.

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