Speaker Race Is Narrowing Down

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Contrary to what some may believe, the top position in the U.S. House of Representatives is not decided in a single instance. Reps. vote amongst themselves behind closed doors and away from cameras at least once before their official action on the floor. That initial vote is coupled with enormous amounts of negotiation, compromise and pleas for endorsement.

While it may appear that Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan and Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise are the only two gentlemen in the running for the speakership, some have suggested that Oklahoma Rep. Kevin Hern may be waiting for an opportune moment to jump in. During an October 7 appearance on Newsmax, Hern appeared to deny the possibility and instead indicated that his focus was on getting Jim Jordan elected.

A handful of reports have suggested otherwise and claim that Hern is floating his name amongst members of his party as a replacement candidate for speaker in the event Jordan or Scalise are unable to garner enough votes to secure a victory. When asked about the potentiality, Hern did not give his interviewer a solid “no.” He instead said that his candidacy would likely sow confusion and cause the GOP to become “even more” divided.

Barring Hern’s possible entrance in the race, the election for speaker is down to the Scalise and Jordan. Both men are due to meet with their Republican colleagues in private on October 11 and plead their cases.

Members of their party will likely hold a secret ballot the same day that precedes their official floor vote. The process itself has historically taken anywhere from hours to days. While many would likely agree that the most plausible outcome would be an ascension of Jordan or Scalise to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s former position, a third possibility other than Rep. Hern does exist.

Though they lack the needed votes, the Democrats have selected New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries as their candidate.

Late Wednesday night, the GOP elected Steve Scalise for their nomination, but the battle for get the necessary amount of votes is still a challenge.

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