School Enlists ‘Genderqueer’ Witch to Talk to Students About Dating

( – Controversy has rekindled in a Pennsylvania high school over a guest speaker’s presentation last year on sexuality and relationships. Deni Tobin, a biological female but self- described as “genderqueer”, spoke to young students at Unionville High School about dating, which prompted an uproar among parents in the school district.

Tobin was invited to speak about “safe dating“. The presentation first stirred controversy when parents discovered that Tobin had talked to the students about graphic violence in relationships, a subject most parents felt was too much for a school presentation, especially regarding the students age group.

However, most of the controversy stems from Tobin’s unconventional background for a school speaker. Parents expressed unease over Tobin’s loud support of planned parenthood, as well as explicit content found on Tobin’s social media accounts, including topless photos showcasing their top surgery. Tobin’s Instagram bio further alarmed parents as it contained very political phrases regarding BLM and violence against people who are not left-wing.

The school district initially downplayed the parents’ concerns. However, Chad Williams, a local lawyer and parent, uncovered more troubling information. Williams revealed that Tobin had administered a sex-themed survey to students without parental consent. Summaries of this survey revealed that the students were asked about their gender identity and whether they had experienced sexual pressure or coercion. Most of the students were 12-15 years old.

The situation escalated when it was discovered that the survey administered by Tobin most likely violated student privacy rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Pupil Protection and Privacy Amendment (PPRA).

The district assured parents that Tobin had completed required clearances and training, which adheres to district policies for guest speakers and surveys.

As the school grapples with explaining why Tobin was allowed to speak to the students in the first place, parents demand that the district re-evaluates who it brings on as guests so that their children are not exposed to extreme sexual and political rhetoric at such young ages.

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