RFK Jr To Run As Independent

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Environmental attorney and former Democrat candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. has declared his independent candidacy for the presidency. This marks the end of his quest to challenge President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary in favor of a more unconventional general election bid.

Kennedy’s decision follows weeks of speculation about his future in the 2024 presidential race. There have been reports of Kennedy exploring discussions with the Libertarian Party earlier this year, suggesting a convergence of beliefs.

The campaign is planning events in Texas, Florida, and other southern states later this month and intends to travel extensively in the lead-up to the 2024 general election. The campaign expresses confidence in securing ballot access in all states ahead of the election.

Co-founder of American Values 2024, the super PAC backing Kennedy’s campaign, Mark Gorton, stressed the importance of demonstrating viability to voters through consistent poll support to have a realistic chance of winning the election. He believes they have a credible opportunity for an unprecedented upset.

Kennedy aims to draw both Biden and Trump supporters to his side, as he is relatively moderate when it comes to the heavy political issues in the US.

In response, Trump’s campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung criticized Kennedy for his positions on China, guns, the environment, and abortion, characterizing Kennedy’s candidacy as a project of “vanity” driven by his family name. Trump’s allies have reportedly been compiling opposition research to depict Kennedy as a liberal pretending to be conservative.

Historically, independent and third-party candidates have faced challenges in gaining significant support in presidential elections. Kennedy acknowledged the historical difficulties faced by independent presidential campaigns but expressed optimism about his prospects. He declared that he is creating something new in American Politics. Regarding his run as an independent, he indicated that it will be different, because he will not only run as an independent, but he will win.

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