RFK Jr. Could Hurt Trump’s Chances Get Back Into The White House

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Former president George W. Bush’s closest adviser and frequent neocon political commentator Karl Rove is suggesting that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s bid for the White House may harm Donald Trump more than Joe Biden in a recent piece for the corporate press.

Third-party candidates have never been elected to the presidency, but they have had historical impacts on the election cycle by offering voters a choice beyond the two major parties. While less popular, candidates in third parties typically reflect the political will of those who vote for them more so than a Democrat or Republican. As such, some perceive third-party candidates as potentially “stealing” votes from larger candidates or “spoiling” their electoral chances.

Democrats are largely concerned this electoral cycle about Cornel West and Jill Stein, both are seen as progressive liberals. Karl Rove is suggesting that Trump is worried about the potential for RFK Jr. to pull votes from his supporters. Rove also reminded readers that RFK is a major “antivaccine” activist for his views on the dangers of certain vaccines or injections marketed as such. RFK has highlighted injuries from vaccines as well as the dangers of chemicals used in the final injection in the past.

Rove highlighted how Trump has simultaneously dismissed RFK as a fringe radical and referred to him as “a nice guy.” Rove’s previous boss, former President George W. Bush similarly dismissed Kennedy as someone with “moonbat ideas.” RFK has suggested the CIA is America’s largest national security threat, that the official 9/11 story isn’t accurate, that the 2004 election was rigged, as well as the potential for certain hormone mimics in water to trigger psychological problems in children.

Rove called RFK’s ideas “wild” and suggested that any of them would have ended one’s electoral chances decades prior. Rove then explained that Trump draws from a large base of conspiracy theorists who may shift their votes to RFK.

RFK has yet to achieve ballot access in all 50 states, his campaign is working to do so by November; he’s polling around 10% nationally.

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