Republican Mike Collins Says Biden Admin Failed Murdered Student

( – Republicans continue to draw attention to the southern border crisis by highlighting examples of the criminal activity by individuals who have illegally entered the country. Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) speaking with Newsmax on Monday, February 26 suggested that 22-year-old Laken Riley would still be alive if the Biden administration had maintained the border. Riley was murdered while out jogging and the man accused of her murder is in the country illegally.

Collins called the crisis a failure at every level from national to local and said that Biden could effectively end the crisis now if he wanted to, but that the situation is part of their ongoing agenda. He said conservatives must continue to put pressure on the administration to act.

Collins additionally blamed the city of Athens, Georgia, where Riley was murdered. He suggested Athens is a de facto “sanctuary city,” due to their willingness to import and aid illegal aliens. He suggested parents would likely avoid sending their children to the University of Georgia if they were aware of the danger their children would be exposed to on campus.

Collins suggested that Georgia’s death penalty would allow them to effectively punish the suspect, should he be convicted. He also said that all people in the country illegally should be deported back to their place of origin. If they can’t go back to wherever they are from, we can simply drop them off back in Mexico, he added. Collins implied Mexico has some responsibility for allowing so many people to flow through their country into the U.S.

Collins suggested that Mexico is being lazy because the Biden administration isn’t corralling and demanding they do something about the problem.

How many illegals have to murder Americans before the problem is undeniable? Riley is just one example. A 19-year-old illegal from Honduras was arrested in connected with the rape of a 14-year-old girl at knifepoint in Lousiana.

Yet another illegal was arrested for the killing of a 2-year-old child. Noel Trejo-Granados had been arrested several times and was released by the liberal-leaning New Jersey authorities before he allegedly killed the child.

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