Pro-Lifer Facing Over A Decade In Prison Wants To Battle With Biden Admin

( – Paul Vaugh is undeterred by his conviction for violating the FACE Act this week, despite facing potential penalties of up to 10.5 years in prison and a $260,000 fine. Vaugh’s sentencing will come up in July and his legal team has already begun the appeals process.

Speaking with the Daily Wire on February 2nd, Vaughn expressed sentiments suggesting that the Biden administration may have radicalized the activist, deepening his faith, and commitment to pro-life activism.

Vaughn said the DOJ was engaged in intimidation tactics against conservatives, including pro-lifers. He said that their aggressive prosecution has galvanized pro-life supporters around the country, and around the world. Vaughn mentioned receiving countless supporting emails from all over, including Tasmania.

Prior to the charges, Vaughn suggested he was “marginally on the sideline” with pro-life activism. He added that he’s done some “sidewalk counseling” where activists will wait outside of an abortion clinic and attempt to convince women to keep their babies. He said that his prosecution has encouraged him to start a national organization “to go head-to-head” against the administration.

Crediting his defiant stance to his faith in God, he added that the lord is big and powerful.

Vaughn’s conviction stems from a March 2021 protest where he and a group of two-dozen activists occupied a second floor hallway outside of the Carafem Health Care Center in Nashville, Tennessee. They sang, prayed, and encouraged women coming to the clinic for abortion services to keep their babies.

Vaughn acted as a go between for police and the demonstrators. The DOJ accused Vaughn of acting deceptively and used the claim as a centerpiece of his prosecution. Vaughn maintains the accusations are completely false, insisting that the police negotiator in question knows he acted in good-faith. Vaughn’s lawyer said that everything he did that day was well-within the confines of the law.

The protesters maintain that their prosecution is unjust as similar crimes against emergency pregnancy centers where women are offered help and counseling to keep their babies go unprosecuted.

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