Polls Show Early Voting States Are Open to Someone Other Than Trump

(ConservativeJournal.org) – A recent survey conducted in the states of Iowa and New Hampshire has shed light on aspects of former President Trump’s standing among Republican voters. Although Trump holds a strong lead in both states, a huge part of these voters are still not fully decided.

A CBS News/YouGov survey was carried out from September 15 to 24 and in Iowa, where the presidential caucuses mark the beginning of the primary season, it has unveiled that a mere 20% of voters firmly pledge their support to Trump. Conversely, 48% are actively weighing their options, considering both Trump and other potential candidates, while an additional 31% emphatically declare their intention not to vote for Trump.

Despite this openness to alternative candidates, the former president currently commands a substantial lead in the state, securing the backing of 51% of respondents. Trailing Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis occupies the second position with 21% support, Nikki Haley, former ambassador to the UN, claims third place with 8% backing.

In New Hampshire, 23% of voters exhibit unwavering commitment to Trump, whereas 43% are in the process of exploring the possibility of supporting Trump alongside other contenders. Furthermore, 31% have definitively ruled out voting for Trump. Much like the situation in Iowa, Trump maintains a lead in the state, enjoying the support of 50% of respondents. DeSantis ranks second with 13% support, while Haley closely follows with 11% backing.

The survey also underscores the pivotal role of GOP presidential debates in influencing the candidate preferences of Republican voters. In Iowa, 62% of Republicans consider these debates to be a “major factor” in their decision-making process, while the corresponding figure in New Hampshire is 53%.

While prevailing polls currently indicate Trump’s commanding lead over his competitors, historical patterns suggest that drawing conclusive judgments about the final candidate more than a year before the presidential election may be completely wrong anyways.

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