Olivia Rodrigo Promotes Abortion By Handing Out Emergency Contraceptives At Concert

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Singer Olivia Rodrigo handed out abortion pills and condoms during a recent performance in Missouri on March 12. Fans who attended the St. Louis concert were given a box containing two “Julie” day-after abortion pills and instructions on how to attain medical assistance should you want to kill your unborn child.

Condoms and stickers promoting abortion were also given away during the event. Rodrigo, 21, partnered with the Missouri Abortion Fund (MAF) to bring the “Fund 4 Good” initiative to her performances, according to Variety. They invited the abortion activist organization “Right by You” to distribute the supplies to attendees.

Rodrigo announced the initiative in advance of her “Guts” tour, and said that the “Fund 4 Good” would “support all women” in search of “health freedom.” The varied euphemisms for terminating a pregnancy are incredibly common in the pro-abortion movement.

Variety shared comments from Julie in which the abortion pill company explained that they wanted to improve “the morning-after experience” for the next generation of women. They said that one of their goals was to replace “the stigma and shame” of the experience with “access, exploration, and education.” They added that they regularly donate morning-after pills for every one they sell. They boasted donating over one million pills so far.

Rodrigo previously said she was “heartbroken” after the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade in 2022. The high court kicked the subject back to the states, arguing that there was no federal law on the subject and that the previous court precedent wasn’t constitutional.

Women’s rights activists across the country melted down and proclaimed that abortion would be outlawed nationwide next. States like Vermont, California, and New York were quick to enshrine the process into law while states like Ohio, Alabama, and Mississippi had automatic bans that were executed the moment Roe was overturned.

Rodrigo believes that all women have the right to access “a safe abortion.”

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