NY Magazine Claims That Children Should Have The Freedom To Change Their Sex

(ConservativeJournal.org) – New York Magazine is getting a ton of criticism from social media users after it published a piece by a transgender (a man who pretends to be a woman) writer who argued that children should be able to consent to sterilization and medicalized mutilation of their developing bodies.

Andrea Long Chu thinks that it’s an expression of liberty to take away the reproductive function of children or ameliorate their ability to experience an orgasm as an adult. He thinks that it’s “gender affirming medical care.”

Respondents quickly pointed out that giving puberty blocking chemicals or exogenous hormones to children destroys their fertility and increases the likelihood of additional medical problems. These vary in extent and incidence, but stunting bone development, heart problems, and even cancer have all been documented amongst children on the gender-bending protocols.

Genital surgeries have already been performed on minors, with many of them worse off than they were before their surgeries. Chu calls these protocols “medical care,” yet neglects to explain what medical problem the “care” addresses.

Chu also suggested that it’s irrelevant why some children experience gender dysphoria. Commentators pointed out that social contagion or peer pressure is a frequently documented component, as are autism spectrum disorders. They also highlighted a growing population of de-transitioners, or people who began a gender transition but stopped and reverted to their native gender. Some of these people have had irreversible surgeries, further complicating their mental problems with additional physical challenges.

The NY Magazine article follows a leak from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) which revealed doctors knew that a 16-year-old girl developed tumors after she was put on testosterone and continued to facilitate the protocol for other young people. They also expressed clear doubt that children below the age of consent could give full informed consent to their experimental protocols.

Chu also attacked the idea that men who appear female would do anything untoward in a women’s restroom or locker room despite ample examples from the news. He also dismissed concerns about boys participating in women’s sports.

NHS England recently outlawed the use of puberty blockers for minor children, demonstrating that this issue is being debated across multiple developed western countries.

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