No One Is In Charge Of NYC

( – A previous NYC official is touting the rampant crime and seeming lawlessness that’s inundated the city in the wake of the pandemic and southern border crisis. Former Police Commissioner Ray Kelly gave several comments to “Cats Roundtable,” a radio program on WABC 770 AM on Friday, February 23. Kelly highlighted the mass appearance of illegals, crime on the subways, and a decline in the number of police as major contributing factors.

Kelly was the police commissioner for 2 years in the early 1990s and served again from 2002 to 2013. He’s seen the city at its best and worst over the years. While he was discussing the current state of NYC, he relayed a recent story about meeting a man from London. He asked the man what his impression was, to which the man replied it seems as if no one is in charge. Kelly said that accurately described his sentiments as well.

Kelly said masses of illegals can be seen milling around outside of the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown. There are dozens of hotels around the city currently offering free housing, food, medical care, education, and social services to noncitizens.

A recent program became controversial after it was revealed that the illegals, also called migrants, asylum seekers, or undocumented persons, were going to receive $1,000/month on a debit card. There’s no fraud controls, ID requirements, and a limit of $10,000 per year, $15,000/year if the unit is considered a family of four or more. Kelly called the program “ludicrous.”

Kelly said that subway crime was a huge problem as well. Indicating that it was encouraging people to seek alternative means of transportation, reducing the number of riders. He highlighted that there are “scooters everywhere” and they are dangerously ignoring traffic laws or used in criminal activity.

Kelly lamented the difficulties faced by members of the NYPD. He said that the department is “way short” on its number of required officers and it’s additionally complicated by the “demonization” of the police by mainstream culture. He also decried a recently enacted consent decree which will hamstring policing when it comes to large demonstrations with the potential to become riots.

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