NBC Polls Shows Biden Declined on Every Measure

(ConservativeJournal.org) – A recent NBC poll shows that former President Donald Trump is ahead of President Biden in nearly every category. Trump has been in the lead for some time now, but this is currently the highest recorded lead trump has had since he overtook Biden in the polls in November 2023. NBC themselves also acknowledged that this is the most substantial lead Trump has secured in 16 polls against Biden.

Over the past five years, NBC has consistently conducted polling on Trump versus Biden. Historically, Biden usually maintained a lead over Trump, but the dynamics shifted last year. Last year Biden held a similar lead against Trump that he now has over Biden. The latest poll, sampling 1,000 registered voters with a margin of error of three percentage points, was conducted from at the end of January.

When considering third-party candidates, Trump’s lead widened as well to give him a pretty big advantage over Biden.

Biden’s campaign refrained from commenting on the poll. However, a pollster from the 2020 Biden campaign, Matt Barreto, raised concerns about the sampling, emphasizing over-representation of white voters and conservatives and under-representation of Democrats and Latinos.

Republican voters voting within party lines overwhelmingly favor Trump over Haley by a huge margin. The poll also raised warning signs for Biden, with a job approval rating at 37%, the lowest recorded since former President George Bush. When compared to Trump, Biden secured around 44% support from Latino voters against Trump’s 42%. Among younger voters, Biden has a lead over Trump, but again, Trump is leading as a whole,

Despite positive economic indicators under Biden according to his administration, including low unemployment and cooling inflation, over half of voters expressed greater trust in Trump with the economy, while only around 30% had a positive view Biden regarding the economy.

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