N.Y. AG Letitia James Booed at FDNY Ceremony

(ConservativeJournal.org) – New York Attorney General Letitia James found herself in a bit of hot water during a recent promotion ceremony for the Fire Department of New York City (FDNY). As soon as James took the podium from FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, the gathered assembly of rank and file firemen began to boo.

James responded by asking the crowd to “simmer down” and pleading that they were in a “house of God.” The crowd also chanted “Trump” repeatedly, indicating that James’ prosecution of the former president may not be as popular as she believed.

Newsweek reached out to the FDNY to get a comment. FDNY Chief of Department John Hodgens said that the ceremony was to celebrate the accomplishments of the men and women in his department. He said the behavior of some members who distracted from that was “an embarrassment” inappropriate for “the world’s best fire department.”

James’ office had no comment. James is responsible for the New York civil case against Trump and his organization for financial “fraud.” He was convicted by Judge Arthur Engoron in hotly contested proceedings of inflating the value of his properties to secure favorable loan terms.

Lawyer and constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley suggested that the verdict against Trump will make business investment in New York dry up. Turley highlighted that even Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) issued public comments after the ruling indicating that this was a one-time-only punishment for Donald Trump specifically. Turley explained that investors look for locations where their money will grow.

Turley pointed out that the fine was completely insane. He added that the additionally insidious aspect to New York state law was that it required Trump to pony up the amount to even have an appeal heard at higher courts.

James and Engoron have been criticized for running a sham trial where the outcome was known in advance. Engoron, the judge and jury in the case, seemed to decide in advance that Trump had committed fraud before any evidence was presented at trial.

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