Motion to Vacate Speaker Johnson Fails After GOP Talks

( – Former President Donald Trump is reportedly helping to negotiate between hardline Republicans in Congress and the rest of the GOP.

At issue is the plan by Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) to call for a motion to vacate Speaker Johnson (R-LA) over his repeated willingness to collaborate with Democrats. Johnson was heavily criticized by members of his own party for the recent passage of $61 billion in funding for the war in Ukraine as well as the reauthorization of warrantless wiretapping under FISA. Greene threatened to vacate the Speaker, which is a call for a vote to replace him.

Trump opposed the idea, as the rest of the GOP seems concerned and focused on winning the elections in November. A motion to vacate and subsequent chaos in Congress could give the Democrats political ammunition during a crucial period.

Trump and Greene spoke over the weekend and Republicans talking about their conversations said that Trump told Greene to stand down. Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) suggested Trump told her that her point was made and she needs to relax now. He said he hopes she does stand down.

Speaker Johnson was in negotiations with Massie and Greene. He commented on the discussions calling them “good” and “productive.” He refused to call them negotiations and in fact said they were “not a negotiation at all.” Johnson elaborated, saying he was listening to their ideas as he does for everyone in the conference.

Trump gave a glowing endorsement of Johnson during a talk with donors and has been supportive during his tenure as Speaker. He called Johnson’s job difficult, highlighting that Democrats control the Senate and Presidency. He also reportedly encouraged party unity and the importance of winning as many seats in November as possible.

Greene ended up calling for the vote on Tuesday, May 7 and it was voted down by a bipartisan coalition of Republicans and Democrats. Massie was quoted suggesting the “uniparty has spoken” and Speaker Johnson is their guy. Trump said shortly thereafter that he “absolutely” still loves Greene.

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