McDonalds Announces Major Changes Coming Soon

( – According to the Wall Street Journal, McDonald’s is embarking on a significant transformation of its burger-cooking process, including its iconic Big Macs, aiming to address long-standing concerns about the taste of its burgers.

Aligned with a spring advertising campaign promising McDonald’s “best burgers ever,” the initiative aims to enhance the juiciness of their burgers through more than 50 adjustments.

Chris Young, McDonald’s Senior Director of Global Menu Strategy, highlighted the need to balance speed and safety with improved taste. The company acknowledges the evolving competition in the burger market, particularly from fast-rising competitors, prompting the need for a reevaluation of their methods.

Chef Chad Schafer led the efforts in McDonald’s Chicago headquarters, experimenting with a new burger-flipping approach. After 7 years of experimentation, a double cheeseburger was prepared using the traditional method and the new technique. Schafer pointed out the differences, noting that the revised burger appeared hotter, meltier, and offered a distinct aroma compared to the existing version.

Following successful tests in Australia, the revamped burgers are being introduced to all of the US McDonalds locations, with an initial rollout on the West Coast and in the Midwest. The company plans to implement these changes nationwide by early 2024. McDonald’s CEO, Chris Kempczinski, acknowledged the positive reception of improved-tasting Big Macs in Australia during an October investor call.

Recognizing the challenge of consistently implementing these workflow changes, McDonald’s emphasized in an internal training video that it is an ongoing process rather than a one-time rollout. Some of the modifications include grilling 6 patties at a time instead of 8 to reduce pressure and preserve patty juices, using more sauces on Big Macs, using more butter on buns for heat retention, scattering sesame seeds more randomly on buns for a homier appearance, taking cheese out of refrigerators earlier for better melting during cooking, and rehydrating onions after they are purchased from vendors.

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