Majority Of Americans Want RFK Jr. On The Ballot

( – A new poll is suggesting that a majority of American voters want to see Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name on the ballot in all 50 states. Fifty-four percent of respondents agreed that RFK should be “allowed” to run for the presidency. Only 13% disagreed with the statement and 24% were neutral.

Redfield & Wilton Strategies performed the poll of 1,500 potential voters over the internet on May 1.

RFK had initially intended to run as a Democrat, but party politics led him to switch to an independent bid after it became clear the party machinery was going to support incumbent Joe Biden without any potential challenge from within the party.

The Kennedy campaign issued comments suggesting that the poll was a “barometer” for American interest in democracy. They added that they plan to have RFK on the ballot in all 50 states including the District of Columbia by the November election. Each state has particular requirements for candidates to appear on the ballot as determined by state law.

Campaign representatives highlighted the work of over 100,000 volunteers who got RFK approved to appear on the ballot in California, Michigan, and Utah. They’re also in the home stretch for seven other states with enough signatures collected to complete the process. Most states require a certain number of signatures to prove the candidate has enough support to be considered by the general population. Some states accept donations in lieu of signatures.

With Trump and Biden locked with very close polling, RFK’s addition to the race could alter the outcome. It’s unlikely that RFK could carry any states based on his current performance and it’s debatable which candidate he harms more by his presence. Different polls show the impact varies.

Trump has perceived a potential threat and began to attack RFK with a post on Truth Social. He jabbed at RFK and Fox News pointing out that the latter featured him frequently while “competitive networks” won’t put him on the air. He also called RFK “a Radical Left Lunatic” and suggested he was the “dumbest” Kennedy.

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