Majority Of Americans Support Building Border Wall

( – A recent survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in early April shows that most Americans support all types of measures against illegal immigration. These measures include stricter penalties on employers that hire illegal immigrants, building a border wall, and increasing the number of deportations.

The survey shows a noticeable difference in opinion on immigration policy between Democrats and Republicans. However, most respondents agree on the need for actions to tackle illegal immigration.

54 percent of respondents expressed support for continuing the construction of the border wall. This particular issue showed a significant split between Republicans, with 87 percent in favor, and Democrats, with only around 28 percent supporting the policy.

65 percent of all respondents also advocated for increasing deportations, with most of them being Republicans and Independents, with Democrats being last. Similarly, 66 percent of all respondents favored raising penalties on businesses hiring illegal workers, with Republicans showing the highest support at 85 percent. The same trend followed for questions on deportation: Republicans first in favor, Independents second, then Democrats last.

The release of the Chicago Council poll coincides with a pressing immigration crisis at the Southern border, with a huge increase in illegals being caught recently. This surge in immigration-related concerns is directly reflected in the results.

The issue of illegal immigration poses a challenge to both Trump and Biden as the elections draw closer. Recent polls indicate a decline in approval ratings for Biden’s handling of immigration, with only 36 percent of voters expressing a positive outlook on his policies.

A separate survey from ABC/Ipsos also reveals that Americans trust former President Donald Trump more than Biden on immigration matters by a nearly 20-point margin. It appears that illegal immigration is now a subject matter across all parties and is not just a one-sided issue. Even in traditionally Democratic states like Colorado and Massachusetts, voters identify immigration as a top concern.

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