Lara Trump: ‘RNC Needs Meaner Strategy’

( – Lara Trump, a current candidate for the co-chair position of the Republican National Committee (RNC), has recently stated in an interview with Newsmax that she believes the RNC needs to make its strategy “meaner”. In the interview she also re-affirmed her support for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Lara Trump, who is married to Donald Trump’s son Eric, indicated that the RNC’s primary focus must be a financial push to secure Trump’s victory in the election. In outlining her vision, she said every dollar in the RNC should be used for what she called their main objective, which is the re-election of Donald Trump. She also stated she is fully committed to redirecting all non-essential funds for his campaign.

This announcement closely follows Donald Trump’s recent endorsement of Lara Trump’s candidacy for the co-chair position of the RNC. Donald Trump praised her as an exceptionally skilled communicator dedicated to the principles of the MAGA movement. Trump also gave an endorsement to North Carolina GOP Party Chairman Michael Whatley for the role of RNC head chair.

Donald Trump recently appointed his senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita to serve as the RNC’s chief operating officer, overseeing day-to-day operations leading up to the general election. Speculation suggests that the current RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel, is likely to step down after the South Carolina primary on February 24.

Lara Trump’s involvement with the RNC and party donors dates back to her father-in-law’s presidency. If she and Whatley secure RNC members’ votes, it would mark a complete takeover of the committee by the former president.

Recent months have witnessed simmering tensions between Trump and McDaniel, especially after the former president refrained from explicitly endorsing McDaniel or any challenger during the 2023 leadership race. Trump has consistently called for the party’s alignment with his vision and priorities.

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