Jordan Says Courts Will Rule Against Big Tech

( – According to what Representative Jim Jordan told Newsmax on November 7, efforts by the U.S. government to censor the free speech of American voters extend beyond their already-discovered collusion with heads of a chorus of social media providers. A number of federal agencies similarly engaged with stateside academic institutions to do just the same, Jordan claimed.

Elements whom the House Judiciary Chairman referred to as disinformation “experts” from major universities, social media outlets and big tech platforms cooperated with an entity known as the Election Integrity Partnership, or EIP, as part of a collective effort to censor and monitor citizens’ speech both before and during the election of 2020, he said. Jordan insisted the issue “will end up” before the nation’s highest court and that its proponents will be defeated.

While many are already aware that individual posts, memes, opinions and overall narratives were targeted for censorship, Jordan said the EIP took things even further. According to the rep., conservative media providers were also singled out, as were members of the GOP in Congress.

During his interview, the Republican reminded his host that in spite of many leftist opinions to the contrary, “the First Amendment” still guarantees free speech. Jordan told the network’s Eric Bolling that what his committee has uncovered should not be happening in the United States, but that good news could be found in the fact that the alleged instigators had been caught.

According to the Judiciary’s findings, the cybersecurity division at the Department of Homeland Security, known as CISA, and another agency at the State Department called the Global Engagement Center, collaborated with academics at Stanford University and founded the EIP a few months before the 2020 election.

The report asserted that the EIP had been created for the purpose of allowing the federal government to hide its efforts at censorship. Because third parties were involved, the government was shielded from public scrutiny, it said.

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