Israel-Hamas War Gives Trump The Edge Over Biden

( – Political commentator and author Dick Morris speaking with Newsmax suggested that the Israel-Hamas war has surged support for former President Trump among prospective voters after he performed an in-depth analysis of the last 96 polls collected by RealClearPolitics.

Morris is the host of “Dick Morris Democracy” on Newsmax and the author of “CORRUPT” which is a look at Joe Biden’s dark money. He explained that he went back and looked over the past 96 polls collected by RealClearPolitics and tracked three distinct periods in the last few months.

From July 5 to August 17 Biden led Trump in 17 separate polls, Morris explained. Then from August 17 to Oct 27, they had a similar number of polls which showed them ahead, suggesting the numbers were very close. However, almost all polls taken since October 17 show Trump ahead. Morris explains that the other major change in that period was the Israel-Hamas war.

Morris noted that public opinion hasn’t shifted dramatically in favor of Israel, but the electoral opinion has shifted dramatically in Trump’s favor and against Biden.

The latest matchup polls on RealClearPolitics averaged show Trump ahead versus Biden by 2.6 points, 47.4% to 44.8%. In late August, the reverse was the case with Biden ahead of Trump by roughly the same amount.

Biden’s been taking complaints on both sides of the Israel-Hamas war. Pro-Palestinian protesters and leftist politicians complain about the death toll on the Palestinian side and demand a ceasefire.

On the right, conservatives have been attempting to pass a standalone bill to facilitate $14.3 billion in aid going to Israel with Democrats in the Senate opposed and President Biden threatening a veto. The bill was passed in the House and remains in Senate limbo for the time being.

Some have called for conditions to be placed on Israel in exchange for American financial aid, Biden said it was “a worthwhile thought” on Friday when speaking to the press.

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