Iran To Lead UN Conference On Nuclear Disarmament

( – Iran will lead the U.N. Conference on Disarmament for two sessions between March 18th through the 29th and May 13th through the 24th. Iran is notorious for supporting local militias and terror groups which attack the U.S. and its proxies in the region.

Conference leadership is rotated between the 65 member nations each year, and the assigned nation leads the affair for four weeks. They go in alphabetical order. Iran will serve as president for the conference alongside other nations that begin with I including Indonesia, India, Israel, Iraq, and Ireland.

The conference is responsible for the ongoing process of nuclear disarmament and the regulation of other weapons.

Iran has been attempting to achieve nuclear weapons technology for decades alongside its nuclear power program. Iran has become emboldened under President Biden, engaging in rampant militarism, arming of terror cells, and recently launching airstrikes against neighboring states. Those strikes were reportedly retaliation for terror attacks that occurred inside Iran, a frequent justification used by the U.S.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) within the U.N. warned last year that Tehran has likely accumulated enough enriched uranium to produce multiple nuclear weapons. IAEA inspectors have been denied access to inspect Tehran’s nuclear materials for several months.

Senior fellow Behnam Ben Talebu with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies told Fox News that Iran was capitalizing on chaos in the region to advance its nuclear weapons capability.

The ongoing war in Gaza launched by Israel in retaliation for a Hamas-led surprise attack on communities and a music festival overnight and into the morning of October 7th kicked off the latest round of warfare in the region. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed in the fighting while over a thousand Israelis were killed as well.

In the aftermath, Iran has attacked Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan. The U.S., Israel, and the U.K. have launched strikes inside of Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and Pakistan since the war began. Observers worry that the conflict could continue to spiral out of control if the fighting doesn’t slow down soon.

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