Iran Threatens Intervention If Israel Invades Gaza

( – If the war of words between Iran and Israel continues, most would likely agree that the next logical conclusion would be a kinetic exchange of some sort. In the wake of the October 7 civilian massacre, the Persian regime has threatened the Jewish state In both social media posts and in public statements from top Iranian officials.

Within hours of the attacks in Southern Israel, Shia officials in Tehran began to seemingly congratulate their Sunni counterparts in the Gaza Strip, saying SHamas was part of the “anti-Zionist resistance” in the region. On the day in question, Iranian leaders stopped short of acknowledging complicity in the events and likewise did not directly threaten the nation of Israel, but that quickly changed in domino-like fashion.

The Israeli military response began shortly thereafter and Gaza was pummeled from the air. Hundreds of thousands of reserve troops were additionally called up, around 150,000 of which were immediately staged on Gaza’s border. The siege-like effect led Iran to take to Twitter and refer to the Israeli actions as genocidal “war crimes.”

Iran’s post, which was directed at the United Nations, said that Israel’s troop buildup could have “far reaching consequences.” A day before the post was made, Iran is reported to have privately warned Israel via a U.N. envoy that Islamic nation would be forced to actively respond if Israel launched a ground invasion of Gaza.

On October 15, Iran appeared to up their verbal sparring again and warned that an escalation between the two regional powers was inevitable if Israel continued down the same path. Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Iranian Foreign Minister, said the fingers “of all” involved “parties” were “on the trigger.”

As of October 16, Iran’s threats appear to have worsened. The nation’s top international envoy said that Israel should “expect a preemptive” move of some sort. “All options” remain “open,” the official said. Many expect Hezbollah to attack Israel shortly.

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