Immigrant’s Hallucination Leads to His Arrest

Person wearing orange clothing behind prison bars

Amidst a drug hallucination in Texas, an undocumented immigrant opened fire on his own home, raising concerns about firearm access and immigration enforcement.

Key Takeaways

  • A man named Homero Salinas, 47, fired 30 shots into his home during a drug-induced hallucination, believing his family had been murdered.
  • Salinas was hallucinating after consuming cocaine and alcohol.
  • His family was unharmed and found hiding inside their home, unaware that Salinas was the one who made the 911 call and fired the weapon.
  • Salinas was living in the U.S. illegally and was a Mexican citizen.

Incident Highlights

Homero Salinas, a 47-year-old man, discharged 30 rounds inside his Texas home, under the influence of cocaine and alcohol. Believing his family had been killed in a hallucinatory threat, he called 911 for help. When law enforcement arrived, they found Salinas’ family hiding, unharmed but deeply shaken by the incident.

Salinas, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, was discovered walking nearby after the incident and taken into custody by Ferris police officers. Authorities found multiple firearms and ammunition at the scene, raising questions about how he acquired such deadly weapons despite being flagged by ICE with a detainer in 2013.

Enforcement Failures

The case underscores systemic failures in immigration enforcement, as highlighted by Ferris City Manager Brooks Williams and Deputy City Manager for Public Safety John DeLeon. They expressed concerns regarding Salinas’ ability to remain and obtain firearms in the U.S. despite prior indications to ICE. “We are a nation of laws. When someone who has already had a detainer placed by ICE is able to remain in the country, acquire firearms, and walk freely into a neighborhood with a gun, that’s a failure of enforcement,” DeLeon said.

The incident, while causing property damage, miraculously resulted in no injuries. The dilemma faced by law enforcement in such cases stresses the need for better communication and enforcement of existing laws to prevent potential tragedies.

Concluding Thoughts

This incident highlights significant issues involving firearm access by individuals with immigration detainers and underscores the need for rigorous enforcement of existing laws. Despite the potentially deadly nature of the situation, first responders’ swift actions prevented any harm to Salinas’ family. “The fact that no lives were lost in this incident is a testament to the skill and discipline of our first responders,” said Ferris City Manager Brooks Williams.

As communities continue to grapple with these challenges, this Texas incident is a stark reminder of the complex interplay between local enforcement and national immigration policies.


1. Hallucinating man allegedly fires on own home, calls 911, and police discover he’s in the U.S. illegally

2. Hallucinating man allegedly fires on own home, calls 911, and police discover he’s in the U.S. illegally