Historian Reveals Jill Biden Is The Reason Joe Biden Ran Again

(ConservativeJournal.org) – A presidential historian speaking with CBS News’ “Face The Nation” suggested that Jill Biden is the sole reason Joe Biden remains in the race for the presidency. Douglas Brinkley wrote “The Unfinished Presidency,” which describes former President Jimmy Carter’s work around the world after he left the oval office. During his conversation on February 18, Brinkley argued that Jill Biden is the driving force behind Biden’s re-election campaign.

Brinkley called Jill Biden “vital” to her husband’s continued presidential ambitions, and compared her to the wives of both Harry Truman and Lyndon B. Johnson who both left the office at the behest of their first ladies. Neither first lady particularly liked living in D.C. and both wanted to return to their home states. Not so with Dr. Jill, argued Brinkley.

Brinkely pointed out that Johnson’s health was poor, and Lady Bird Johnson (as she was known) was tired of D.C. and wanted to return to their home state of Texas. He said her wish was ultimately responsible for him stepping down.

Brinkley said that Jill Biden “likes power” and “wants to stay.” He added that she identifies with the area, teaching at Virginia Community College, and considers it her home. Brinkley further suggested that Jill Biden has been there, taking “slings and arrows” of bad press and attacks, and wouldn’t readily give up the coveted position of First Lady unless it was absolutely necessary.

Brinkley suggested that the only scenario where Joe Biden stepped down would have to be catastrophic health problems or poll numbers south of a 22% approval rating.

Author Amie Parnes was also on the show, and she suggested that Biden believes he’s the best man for the job. She highlighted how Biden has repeatedly claimed he’s the best man to beat Trump in the general election.

Parnes brought up the negative publicity and polling, saying that Biden was supposed to be a uniter, and highlighted that he failed to achieve broad public support. Parnes also said that Biden was “frustrated” by negative press as he believes he’d genuinely done a good job as president.

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