Harvard Professor Blames Obama For Not Speaking Out Sooner

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Alan Dershowitz slammed former President Barack Obama during an October 9 appearance on Newsmax and suggested that his delayed reaction to the unfolding conflict in Southern Israel was shameful.

For those unaware, the ex-Commander-in-Chief chose to remain completely silent on the matter until the late afternoon of October 9, at which point he briefly condemned the attacks on Twitter.

During his back and forth with Greta Van Susteren, he referred to Obama’s untimely response as “three days” too “late.” At the time of Obama’s posting, it was already widely known that many hundreds of Israeli civilians had been massacred.

Dershowitz appeared to suggest to Susteren that the former President was at least partially to blame for what had taken place in the days preceding his Twitter post. The famed Harvard professor seemed to make what many would interpret as a sarcastic dig at the ex-head of state when he presented Obama with a “thank you.”

Dershowitz followed up his statement of gratitude by telling Susteren that Obama once invited him to the White House and told him that he would “always have” the Jewish state’s “back.” The longtime attorney then said that he “didn’t realize” that the then-President “meant” he would actually be placing “a target on” the country.

Dershowitz is himself a Jew and his support of Israel is well-known. The lawyer went on to reference what is commonly known as Obama’s “Iran Deal” and said that it was “partly responsible for” Hamas’ actions on October 7. Dershowitz told Susteren that Iran was “pulling” the “strings” of terrorists in Gaza and that they had “paid for” the ongoing campaign of terror.

The professor emeritus’ “Iran Deal” comments were in regard to the billions of dollars in cash that the Obama administration supplied the Islamic regime in Tehran with. In exchange, the Iranians agreed to temporarily stop enriching uranium. Many warned that Obama’s cash payment would go to fund terror.

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