Group Linked To Speaker Johnson Buys Million Dollar Border Advertisement

( – Nonprofit American Action Network is making a $1.8 million purchase for advertisements championing H.R. 2, a bill aimed at restoring border security at America’s southern border. The ad will play in 16 various congressional districts around the nation. American Action Network is an affiliate group of the Congressional Leadership Fund which is associated with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

The ads will advance policy proposals like bringing back Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” plan wherein asylum seekers would have to wait for approval before coming into the U.S. Other Trump-era policies the bill would bring back include finalizing construction of the southern border wall and a final end to all “catch-and-release” programs currently being enacted by Border Patrol under Biden’s control.

The ads will run in largely GOP districts in states like Arizona, California, and Pennsylvania.

The southern border crisis continues unabated with over 300,000 illegals being picked up by officials in December alone. Nearly all of them will be released into the country once they’ve answered a few basic questions which they’ve been coached on how to answer by unknown organizations.

The ad encourages viewers to contact their representatives in Congress and demand an end to the crisis.

Speaker Johnson is taking a harder stance on immigration recently. During a House members-only conference call on Sunday, January 14th, Johnson warned that any compromises made in the Senate would be squashed in the House.

The move comes as left-leaning “sanctuary cities” like NYC, Chicago, and Los Angeles are brimming over with homeless illegals seeking aid from the government.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has finally begun to order Texas Military Department officials to intervene when federal officials try to facilitate the crime of criminal entry. He has ordered Texas authorities to block access to Border Patrol officials attempting to enter Shelby Park, near Eagle Pass, one of the favored crossings for illegals.

The Biden administration lashed out and threatened to sue, claiming Texas was violating the law.

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