Governor Wants To Pay Teachers To Carry Guns On Campus

( – Georgia’s second in command, Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones, may have found at least a partial solution to the nation’s scourge of school-based gun violence. Though few are likely to believe his approach will satisfy all involved parties, history will be the final judge.

As many might expect, his plan to arm Georgia’s force of teachers is receiving both praise and criticism. On October 25, the Republican unveiled legislation that would incentivize the carrying of a firearm by state educators on school property.

Entry level teachers would see their annual take home pay swell by a whopping 22% if the proposal makes it through the state legislature. Veteran teachers would not see the same percentage increase in their yearly salaries, but they would still be entitled to the same $10,000 bonus.

Under the proposal, educators would not simply be showing up to work strapped. They would first be obligated to submit to a training program, after which they would receive the appropriate certification to carry. Jones’ plan would fund said training initiatives and would also provide additional money for districts to hire more campus resource officers.

He said the “proactive” measure would better “prepare faculty” and “law enforcement” to address and engage potential threats to students. State Senators Clint Dixon and Max Burns, who are both Republicans, joined Jones in crafting the legislation, which will be tackled in Georgia’s upcoming 2024 session.

Burns pointed out that the proposal is entirely optional for both teachers and districts and that no one will be forced to carry a gun that doesn’t want to. They “are not mandates,” the senator reportedly said. The “decisions” to carry or not carry “are” entirely “local” and a “school board” will be responsible for determining if they want to pursue the program.

Georgia’s Association of Educators said they “categorically” oppose the idea of “non-officers carrying” guns. Other groups, like Convention of States Action, firmly backed Jones’ proposal.

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