Gaetz Says Majority Will Lose With No Border Deal

( – Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) suggested that the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was “definitely worth” it on January, 21st. He warned that unless a deal can be reached on border security as the Democrats continue to push for more spending, Republicans will find themselves out of a job come November.

Gaetz suggested the American people are fed up with inaction from Congress and impotency in the Republican caucus. He gave credit to Speaker Johnson (R-LA) for being able to squash $20 billion from a side deal McCarthy had planned to spend in secret during his discussion on Newsmax’s “Sunday Agenda.”

He said that border security was the current highest priority for many Americans and it’s a key focus of his daily work in Congress.

Speaker Johnson has been reduced to working with just a single-seat majority in the House.

Gaetz highlighted leftist political rage, suggesting that MSNBC darling Joy Reid has a problem with white Christians. Reid recently blamed white Christians for Trump’s blowout victory in Iowa.

Gaetz suggested that the partisan rhetoric isn’t addressing the concerns of average Americans who can see plainly that the economy today isn’t doing as well as it was under Trump.

He suggested Americans want results and improved economic conditions. Gaetz also suggested the border was a real problem due to the fentanyl crisis and violent criminals gaining easy entry.

Gaetz suggested Nikki Haley will get blown out of the water in New Hampshire, but mentioned the potential impact from Democrats who can vote in the state’s Republican primary. He said that Haley’s campaign is hoping the boost from Trump’s enemies will allow her to gain some momentum going into her home state’s primary at the beginning of February.

South Carolina’s primaries will be held on February 3rd for Democrats and the 24th for Republicans. South Carolina is the first official Democratic primary, Biden’s campaign urged the DNC to change the rules to eliminate New Hampshire from the official pool. Voters who want to support Biden in New Hampshire will have to write-in his name.

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