Funeral Company Accused Of Overlooking Inappropriate Behavior

( – In January, a disturbing incident unfolded at a funeral home in Pensacola, Florida, where an employee was reportedly discovered engaging in lewd activities with a dead body in the facility’s body cooler. This individual subsequently fled the scene and took his own life.

Remarkably, this incident was not an isolated occurrence. A former manager at the funeral home, now dismissed and seeking anonymity due to concerns about professional consequences, revealed to news outlets that superiors at the operating company, Service Corporation International (SCI), were aware of two prior incidents involving the same individual. The details emerged from recorded conversations in Alabama, indicating significant communication challenges within SCI and a sequence of missed opportunities to address concerning behavior.

The former manager shared this information, emphasizing the corporate responsibility for the incident. He expressed his belief that the public should be aware of the flawed practices in resolving internal issues at a business entrusted with the care of deceased loved ones.

His employment was terminated in May after an internal investigation into the incident, marking the end of 12 years of service without prior reprimand. Accusing SCI of using him as a “scapegoat” to either appease or conceal prior knowledge of allegations, he has since found employment elsewhere.

When approached by news outlets for comment, an Oak Lawn Funeral Home spokesperson, part of the SCI network, stated that the entire incident is regrettable, and apologized for any harm. Emphasizing safeguards to ensure dignified care for decedents, they maintained their commitment to appropriate practices.

On January 17, 2023, police responded to a call reporting illicit activities at Oak Lawn Funeral Home. The suspect had fled by the time officers arrived. Subsequently, a dead body with a self-inflicted gunshot wound was found nearby. The former manager praised the operator’s competence and expressed that he had never observed anything suspicious in the operator’s behavior.

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