Democrat Fundraiser Donates $1M To Trump

( – Joe Biden is suffering financial hits despite a massive warchest as public perception seems to be turning against him, despite support from the corporate press. Tech mogul Jacob Helberg is the latest donor to swap his support from President Joe Biden to former President Donald Trump.

In the 2020 cycle, Helberg gave money to support Pete Buttigieg’s presidential bid. Last November, Helberg gave $1 million to the Trump campaign. He’s become one of Trump’s largest donors as a consequence. Helberg highlighted the donation in a recent post on X, sharing an article that detailed his contribution while suggesting he was doing it to support Israel.

Helberg is the latest mega donor to max out his contributions, according to Trump campaign filings with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC). There’s at least 20 others at present and the number seems to be growing over time as more people suggest the country was in a better state during Trump’s administration.

Helberg favors Trump’s stance on China, who is much more adversarial than Biden. The pair recently had a meeting at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida. Helberg highlighted the need for stronger leadership and American First values when it came to trade deals, TikTok, and China’s military aggression in the South China Sea.

Helberg isn’t the first and likely won’t be the last wealthy Democrat donor to take a hard look at the country’s finances and draw the conclusion that the situation was better under Donald Trump. David Friedman was the previous ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration. He’s said that wealthy Jewish donors have begun to reconsider giving to Trump after observing Biden’s handling of the Israel Hamas war in comments to the press.

Friedman added that many never Trumpers are reporting to him their desire to see the man win the office. Democratic mega-donor Haim Saban sent a warning to Biden’s team in early May after Biden held up delivery of munitions to Israel due to the lack of a clear plan to protect civilians in Rafah. Israel is planning a new military operation to wipe out Hamas in the southern Gazan city and roughly 1.2 million Palestinians have taken refuge there.

Polling also hasn’t been good for Joe Biden, as Trump seems to be gaining ground in all seven swing states and nationally the men are neck and neck.

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