Delta Plane Catches Fire on Tarmac

( – A video has appeared on the internet showing a Delta plane catching on fire after landing at Seattle-Tacoma airport on May 6. The plane, an Airbus A321, was coming in from Cancun, Mexico. It caught fire on the nose during landing and started smoking.

The plane had nearly 200 passengers on board, and all of them were swiftly evacuated through wing emergency exits using slides onto the runway. Multiple passengers that were interviewed after the fact recounted the flight attendants’ urgent instructions to drop belongings, unbuckle, and head to the slide exits. The fire led to some panic among passengers but overall, it was a very successful evacuation of the plane.

The fire was traced back to a shorted electrical cord plugged into the plane, possibly from a ground power unit. Despite the terrifying scene, there were no major injuries, though some people got slightly injured while getting out of the plane through the slide. The Seattle Fire Department responded, but the fire was already out at that point.

Delta addressed the incident, reporting that the cause of the fire was indeed an electric short in the nose of the plane once it came into contact with the ground. As a precaution, slides were deployed, and passengers got out through the sides. The Airbus involved is less than two years old and has undergone thorough inspection since the incident.

Delta issued an apology the next day and compensated the affected passengers with airline miles. Passengers were eventually able to return to the terminal via loading bridges, and after a brief delay at US Customs, they were cleared to leave.

Ashwin Menon, one of the passengers on the plane, expressed gratitude to the first responders, relieved that the accident didn’t happen while the plane was still in the sky. He emphasized the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations and thanked the crew and pilots for taking the situation seriously and getting everybody off the plane in time.

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