Daily Wire’s App Hits #1 Kids Apple Charts

(ConservativeJournal.org) – On October 16, the conservative-led Daily Wire debuted a children’s entertainment app that is being billed as a direct competitor to all things Disney. It would appear that the demand for un-woke content is more than extremely high, because within just hours of its launch, “Bentkey” became the most-downloaded kid’s app on the entire Apple network.

The app’s release date comes with its own significance. On the same October day in 1923, the Walt Disney Company was founded in Los Angeles. Most on the right would likely agree with Jeremy Boreing’s assertion that the once-family friendly company has lost its way.

The Daily Wire’s co-founder is among a chorus of conservatives who seem to think so and he recently said that his now-competitor had “abandoned” the “legacy” of Walt Disney. They “still” use “Walt’s name,” he said, but they have come “to think” of “America” as a “systemically racist” nation. The “corporation” now “pushes” some of “the worst excesses” in the entertainment industry, Boreing opined.

In 2022, the Daily Wire announced its intention to invest at least $100 million in Bentkey over the course of three years. It currently features 18 unique shows with a combined 150+ episodes. In spite of the platform’s somewhat limited initial selection, it still beat out apps with a similar target demographic like Paw Patrol Academy and YouTubeKids, both of which have far larger viewing selections.

Disney’s approval ratings and overall viewership numbers have taken a massive hit in recent years, which has left a vacuum that operations like Bentkey can fill. Parents looking for traditional content that don’t want their children indoctrinated are now able to sit their kids down in front of originally-created shows like “Chip Chilla” or “Kid Fit Go!”

The two aforementioned series are among four new shows that will see new episodes added to their listings every Saturday morning. A number of other kid-friendly productions are reportedly in the works.

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