Cornel West Says Both Parties Are “Beyond Redemption”

( – On Tuesday, April 23, The Washington Post released an interview with presidential candidate Cornel West. In it, he declared that both major American political parties are beyond redemption.

Despite this comment, West emphasized the necessity of staying in the race. He spoke of the crises within the Republican Party and the Democratic establishment, especially when it comes to the conflict in Israel. West stressed the importance of staying true to oneself in the face of such challenges.

As an activist, West has been vocal in criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza. He has recently even participated in the controversial pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Columbia University. Despite concerns from Democrats that his third-party candidacy could undermine President Biden’s reelection prospects, West sees his run as morally necessary.

Melina Abdullah, a professor at California State University, is West’s choice for vice president. When explaining his choice, he highlighted Abdullah’s unwavering commitment to empowering poor and working people.

Criticism of Biden’s handling of the Gaza conflict has grown exponentially, even within his own party. According to a recent poll, more Americans are now urging Biden to put pressure on Israel to stop its military operations in Gaza.

Even though Biden has publicly criticized Israel’s approach to the conflict and since increased some aid efforts for Gaza, he did not officially support imposing conditions on aid to Israel. This choice proved controversial, especially after a recent event where an Israeli strike claimed the lives of seven employees of the US-based World Central Kitchen.

West also took aim at fellow independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. He claimed that his comments suggested Palestinians receive excessive international aid and portrayed Israel as morally superior.

Regarding Hamas’s attack on southern Israel last October, West described it as a “counter-terrorist” response. He acknowledged the complexity of the Palestinian resistance movement and stated that eventually, it was always going to happen.

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