Biden’s Top Intelligence Agency Says Crossdressing Makes Man ‘Better Intelligence Officer’

( – An internal CIA document making the rounds was shared with The Daily Wire and the contents are scandalous: a confession and suggestion by one CIA agent to engage in “cross dressing,” or wearing opposite-sexed clothing. The document specifically outlines a first-person perspective of a male officer who wears women’s clothes. The writer additionally argues that crossing-dressing in lady’s garb has made him a better intelligence officer.

The document was sent by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and was acquired by The Daily Wire following a Freedom of Information Act request. The letter was broadcast widely to everyone in the U.S. Intelligence community.

The article opened with the confession that the writer occasionally engages in cross-dressing. He continued, elaborating the importance of discussing cross-dressing in the current cultural environment. The article originated from the ODNI’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Office, which will likely be gutted along with all DEI offices, if Trump wins in November.

The author maintains that his crossing-dressing has “sharpened” his professional skills, without getting specific. He added that dressing in lady’s clothing also has helped him become “more aware” and “supportive” of women in the workplace. He also said that cross-dressing has given him insight into the discomfort women experience wearing things like bras or high heels for extended periods of time.

Curiously, the anonymous writer acknowledges that his public display can distract coworkers, but expresses the hope that folks “can learn to accept” his behavior. He added that by engaging in this behavior, he can become a better ally to “LGBTQIA+” and now feels like he’s a member of a “marginalized community” since he’s experienced discrimination.

The writer also acknowledged that gender-bending presented to the broader public serves as an example for others. Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) is on the House Select Committee on Intelligence and is a veteran Green Beret with the U.S. Army. He said that the intelligence community should be focused on preventing acts of terrorism.

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