Biden Admin Backs Away From Aggressive Push For Electric Vehicles

( – The Biden administration will be modifying regulations regarding the eventual transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the country. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is anticipated to revise the regulation and, for the time being, ensure less strict criteria for pollution from vehicles. Compared to the initial proposal, this adjustment would allow automakers to sell a smaller amount of electric cars by 2030.

Car manufacturers and labor unions have praised the decision to change the criteria. They claim that the extra time given will help improve the production of electric vehicles and their charging technology before facing stricter regulations in the general market.

The electric vehicle market has expanded in recent years, but not as fast as some predictions suggested. According to The Associated Press, more people chose hybrid cars in 2023 than completely electric ones, with EV sales accounting only for a small part of the market. This number falls significantly short of the Biden administration’s initial plans, which wanted EV sales to account for almost half of all sales by 2032. The Congressional Budget Office also adjusted its estimated cost for the Inflation Reduction Act, attributing the change to a higher-than-expected number of EV tax credits being claimed by US citizens.

The anticipated rule change could also address political concerns about Biden’s reelection campaign from the Auto Workers Union. Last year, the EPA proposed very strict standards, in an attempt to convince manufacturers to predominantly sell zero-emissions vehicles by 2030. In December, the House GOP attempted to repeal the rule, facing opposition from car dealers. Biden was then endorsed by the union in January after expressing his reservations and cautioning against a rapid shift to EVs.

The Biden administration is expected to announce the rule change this spring, according to The New York Times.

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