Ben Carson: Electing Trump Is ‘Best Chance’ To Take Federal Bureaucracy Back

( – Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson believes that reelecting Donald Trump is America’s “best chance” to terminate the expansion of the federal bureaucracy. He suggested the current government doesn’t work for the American people. Carson gave the comments during an interview with The Daily Wire on March 27.

Carson relayed his experiences serving in the first Trump administration as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He said that bureaucrats obstructed Trump’s policies at every turn. Carson explained that the way they did this was by slow-walking the implementation of plans they didn’t like. He added that some other agencies had even more difficulty than he did and the problem was with their unelected and difficult-to-fire staff.

Carson would like to see Trump bring in more people who appreciate and understand the Constitution and the basic function of government workers in a republic, which he described as representing and implementing the will of the people.

Trump wants to gut the deep state by deploying Schedule F, which would allow him to fire bureaucrats who interfere with implementation of his policies. Trump told attendees at a recent rally that he wants to “pass critical reforms” that would allow him to fire any employee in the executive branch.

Carson suggested that Trump’s plan has the Democrats in a panic. He said that this plan is one of the major reasons Democrats are having a meltdown over another potential Trump presidency. Carson suggested the extent to which they want to avoid another Trump presidency is extreme, saying they could go to lengths most would consider “unimaginable” to stop him.

Trump could begin with the intelligence agencies which have become hotbeds of DEI expansion. A recently distributed memo touted the advantages of cross-dressing in intelligence work, while another encouraged national security experts to avoid “problematic phrases.” The memo highlighted the racial connotations of things like “blacklist, cakewalk, and brown bag” among other innocuous language.

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