New Poll Shows Taylor Swift’s Political Influence

( – Pop icon Taylor Swift has amazing political influence according to a new survey. Polling from May 1 asked 1,500 American voters about their political preferences heading into the November general election and the potential impact of an endorsement from Swift.

Twenty-two percent of Biden’s previous voters said they’d be more likely to vote Republican if Swift endorsed them. That’s a nine-point increase over previous polling from January which asked the same number of people the same question.

Conversely, 13% of Trump voters said they’d likely vote for Biden in January if Swift gave the opposite endorsement. That number only rose to 16% in recent polling. One could conclude that Biden’s supporters have more of a tendency to follow trendy celebrity endorsements than Trump’s.

Both polls had a margin of error of ±2.5%, the January poll was taken on January 18, 2024.

Swift has gained immense popularity and international renown in recent years, in 2023 she was named Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.” A recent tour also was the first musical tour ever to garner over a billion dollars in ticket sales. Swift filled over a hundred stadiums with tens of thousands of roaring fans who each paid $200 a ticket or more. That adds up over multiple shows and cities around the world.

Given the closeness of the presidential election, some have speculated that a Swift endorsement could potentially swing things one way or the other. Folks have previously highlighted her impact on sports, economics, and culture, according to communications expert James Haggerty.

In May, a poll found that nearly 18% of Americans said they’d be “more likely” to vote for a Swift-endorsed candidate. Their impact could be ameliorated by the 15% who said they’d be “less likely” to vote for someone Swift endorsed. The poll found the majority (55%) reported her endorsement having no impact on their voting preferences.

Swift did endorse the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020 and has previously been critical of former President Donald Trump. Previous endorsements by Swift for lawmakers in Congress resulted in one candidate winning while the other lost.

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