Biden Criticized For Remarks About Anti-Semitic Protests At Columbia

( – President Joe Biden has received criticism for his perceived inadequate response to recent anti-Semitic protests at Columbia University over the weekend.

Far-left demonstrators reportedly shouted remarks and slogans aimed at Israel and the US government, while also targeting Jewish students as they attempted to return to their dorm rooms. The protesters even advocated for Hamas to target Tel Aviv and attempted to create a human barrier to prevent Jewish students from passing through. One student went as far as standing in front of pro-Israel demonstrators, telling them that they should be targeted with rockets.

When asked about these incidents during a brief press interaction following an Earth Day event in Virginia, Biden stated that he condemns the antisemitic comments and that there is a new “program” to be put in place to deal with the protests. However, he did not elaborate on the specifics of the program he mentioned.

Biden also faced some more criticism for his response that according to some, was like comments in the past made by Donald Trump regarding both sides of the conflict having good people. It’s noteworthy that Trump in his comments had previously condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists at a rally, contrary to claims made by some news outlets at the time. Biden went on to make comments about looking at the war from the perspective of Palestinians, which, as aforementioned, drew controversy.

When questioned about whether the president of Columbia University should resign due to the protests, Biden responded that he was not aware of any impending resignation and that he would need to gather more information before making any comments about the president.

The incident at Columbia University underscores ongoing concerns about rising anti-Semitic sentiments on college campuses and the need for effective measures to address them. Ever since the attack on Israel by Hamas in October of 2023, reports of antisemitic protests have increased in the US.

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