Supreme Court Denies Kari Lake Voting Machine Lawsuit

( – The U.S. Supreme Court denied Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake a hearing over her request to ban the use of electronic vote-counting machines for use in elections in Arizona. Lake filed the suit with former secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem two years prior on the basis of the machines being vulnerable to external manipulation.

U.S. District Judge John Tuchi from Phoenix ruled that Finchem and Lake lacked standing because he said that they failed to show real probability of harm occurring. He also sanctioned their attorneys for bringing a frivolous suit.

Lake was running for governor of Arizona at the time the suit was filed, and Finchem was vying for secretary of state. Both used election fraud claims regarding the 2020 election as centerpieces of their campaigns. Both lost their elections to Democrats and challenged the results in court.

Lake is now a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, and Finchem is running for the Arizona state Senate.

Lake and Finchem’s legal team argued that hand counting is the best way to total election results. Election officials were called in to testify that hand counting millions of ballots from across the state in dozens of elections was a practical impossibility.

The SCOTUS denial to hear the case means that the issue is dead and decided for now. There were no dissenting justices in the rejection.

Lake was hotly criticized for her endorsement of carrying firearms during a recent rally, a right guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Some writers called her glowing suggestion to “put on the armor of God. Then maybe strap on a Glock,” at a rally on April 21 as a “call to violence.”

Lake will replace former Sen. Krysten Sinema who resigned in early March after switching from the Democrat party to an independent, presuming she can win the election. Polls showed Sinema lagging way behind her competition, currently Lake and Democrat candidate Ruben Gallego are neck-and-neck according to a Emerson College poll from March. Sinema was criticized for her failure to endorse Democrat policy items.

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