Biden Lashes Out At Allies As His Poll Support Drops

( – Reports from the White House suggest President Joe Biden may be losing his cool. Polling in January showed Trump edging Biden out in key battleground states like Georgia and Michigan. When Biden was informed during a private closed door meeting, one lawmaker present suggested Biden began to shout and curse, according to NBC News.

That lawmaker told NBC that Biden believed his record should be unambiguous to the American people, but for some reason seemed to think that messaging was the problem. Biden has apparently been informed that he has a communication issue. It was unclear who bears the burden of responsibility for the supposed messaging problem, some say the White House failed to properly convey its achievements while others argued that local leaders haven’t supported Biden enough.

Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) issued comments on the report suggesting that Biden had previously said he could defeat Donald Trump in November, and “he god**** well better do it.” Smith added that there wasn’t time to be concerned about polls, or “defensive anger.” He said that Biden needs to be “focused.”

The results from a February 2024 YouGov poll pit Trump vs Biden in an issue-based format that allowed users to select which man they felt would do a better job. Biden was ahead of Trump when it came to the environment, LGBT issues, abortion, and education whereas Trump dominated Biden in the categories for crime, inflation, gun rights, China, and the economy.

Biden’s reelection campaign is in serious jeopardy as his approval rating has also tanked in the last year. FiveThirtyEight is reporting an average approval rating of just 38.6%, which is lower than every president who lost a reelection campaign in recent history. The same polling reported that Biden’s disapproval rating was at 55.4%.

A New York Times/Siena poll from early March showed that 40% of respondents replied that Trump’s policies helped them personally, whereas just 18% gave the same reply for Biden.

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